Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Culture diversity in Chinese hospitality industry Essay

Culture diversity in Chinese hospitality industry - Essay Example The BRIC countries are seen as the most attractive business markets of these times. These countries consist of Brazil, Russia, India and china. Thus, this is also one of the reasons why hospitality industry is at the rise in the Chinese market at the moment. However, whether it’s a foreign or local set-up, it is important that the hotels have a diverse workforce as cultural diversity makes it easier for them to cater to people from various backgrounds who visit the country.  Ã‚  With 80 million travelers in 2012, China exceeded US and Germany in becoming the largest source of travellers in the world, depicting the trend of growth of the market. That being said the Chinese market itself has been identified as the key markets for innovation where high end and middleclass hotels are expected to consolidate, budgeting options to become more innovative and sophisticated hospitality needs be catered to increasingly through the expansion of international chains to establish resorts and recreational arenas. The government of china has also highlighted tourism as one of the major growth sectors in its five years plans and facilitates foreign investment in the tourism sector by offering real estate discounts, tax exemptions and priority approvals for their set-up (, 2013). With a focus on tourism, the country is bound to attract people belonging to diverse backgrounds from the world order to cater to their needs on a better manner, it is important for the hospitality industry in China.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Jonathans Swifts’ Gulliver’s Travels Essay Example for Free

Jonathans Swifts’ Gulliver’s Travels Essay In Joanthans Swifts’ Gulliver’s Travels Part IV he uses a certain character to be his perfect example for what the human race should be. With this character he then will compare to the lowest of all beings to illustrate all the faults of man. These characters in his story are called the Houyhnhnms, which have a uniquely similar pronunciation to the word humans, and the Yahoos, who are the evil beasts of this particular island that Gulliver has washed up upon. Throughout the story as Gulliver describes the people of his home to the Houyhnhnms the reader begins to see how Swift shines a light on all the faults that humans have; compared to a divine, simple and perfect creature as the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver tries to distinct himself from the Yahoos of this land, who he absolutely abhors, by explaining his people’s ways and showing they have the ability to reason, unlike the Yahoos. The reader easily begins to see what Swift is trying to accomplish with his writings. He lets the reader make their own assumptions of the human race, but makes the assumption very clear. Within the story Gulliver describes how â€Å"his eyes had been opened and enlarged his understanding, which he began to view the actions and passions of man in a very different light†(puchner291). Gulliver begins to see that the thick skin, extra hair and long nails are merely the only thing separating himself from the Yahoos. This eye opening is exactly what Swift wants his readers to experience and see that there are so many despicable faults and useless ways of life in their society. The slow dissembling of the faults within man and questioning of the ways of mankind are in complete alignment with the ideas and ways of the Enlightenment, which was in short, to question everything. As Gulliver’s stay on the island continues, this questioning and examination of every aspect of his former life continues as well. The Houyhnhnms, or voices of reason, go on to question the laws of Gulliver’s land. One Houyhnhnms states how he cannot even contemplate how â€Å"the law which was intended for every man’s preservation should be any man’s ruin† (puchner285). Swift takes a deep stab at the governments’ ways of workings at the time and simply shows how it is anything but just and does not make any sense. Swift also makes a remarkable point in the direction of women’s rights, and uses common since to show how the treatment of women of the time was entirely reckless. The voice of a Houyhnhnms explains how it would be â€Å"monstrous in them to give the females a different kind of education from the males† (puchner298). The Houyhnhnms says how this way holds no logic, because it would leave one half of their people only useful for the bringing of children into the world and leave them good for nothing else (puchner298). Swift does not stop there and states how irresponsible it would be to not only leave this group inadequate but to then trust the care and upbringing of their children with these completely incompetent creatures. His reason here is very sound and unmistakable; how can you expect a society to flourish if the raising of man is done by the lowest creature of their society. Gulliver tries to prove to be different form the Yahoos by the fact that he can reason. The Houyhnhnms can see straight through this and one states that â€Å"when a creature pretending to reason could be capable of such enormities, he dreaded lest the corruption of that faculty might be worse than brutality itself† (puchner285). Through the Houyhnhnms response Swift dives into the depths of what humankind is capable of. He tackles how we may have the power of reason but have abused it to the full extent and instead of like the Yahoos caused destruction outwards on the world we have brought corruption into the inner beings of our society. Swift’s writings in Gulliver’s Travels question the entire makings of humankind and even the inability of people to dare to question. The Houyhnhnms are Swifts example of how humans should be but even the Houyhnhnms in their perfectness have a fault. They have no ability to question any facts or speak of â€Å"the thing which is not†. In Swift’s story, Gulliver recants how he remembers how hard it was for him to get his master to comprehend the meaning of the word opinion, or how any fact could be brought to question because â€Å"reason taught us to affirm or deny only where we are certain; and beyond our knowledge we cannot do either† (puchner297). Swift wants the reader to understand that you must not be afraid to put your thoughts and what you have been taught all of your life into question, to not fear the unknown. The Houyhnhnms refuse to believe that there are nations outside of their own island, similar to the way people refuse to think that there are opinions and answers other than their own that could be right. Swift uses his story Gulliver’s Travels to ignite the idea that the world as you know may not be the best of what it could be, just as the way stories have been used to teach children lessons at a young age. In Voltaire’s story Candide, his main character Candide is taken on a journey where he is determined to find his true love Cunegonde, which he is separated form in the beginning of the story. Through his journey Voltaire has Candide also in constant search for any man that is happier than he. In the story Candide has a friend named Pangloss who is a philosopher. In the beginning of this tale Pangloss states that â€Å"there cannot possibly be an effect without a cause† and that â€Å"things cannot be otherwise than they are, for since everything is made to serve an end, everything necessarily serves the best end† (puchner356). Voltaire takes these quotes throughout the story and commits Candide to question it at every chance, but is blinded by pure devotion to what his friend Pangloss has said and continues to push on. Voltaire uses the comparison of two opposites just as Jonathan Swift did in Gulliver Travel’s IV. Voltaire uses the land Eldorado in Candid e to compare to Westphalia. Eldorado is the example of the perfect world while Westphalia is full of everything that is wrong with the world in Voltaire’s opinion. In this sacred Eldorado Candide and Cacambo witnesses how the people have no desire or wants for the jewels that line their streets. He states that â€Å"the children of this land must be well trained, since they are taught contempt for gold and jewels† (puchner381). During their dinner with their host at the hotel Candide tries to use the gold for payment but in this perfect Eldorado people are courteous and hotels are made and paid for by the state and they do not need any money. Later Candide begins to ask about religion and finds that this land has the perfect religion where they do not have monks that dictate what they do and punish them if they do not practice their religion as they say they should (putchner383). Instead Voltaire describes a religion where people are all of the same mind and can freely practice their religion (puc hner282). Once Candide meets the king he finds that this perfect land has no parliament for there was no need and no prisons but they had a gallery full of places to study sciences with mathematical and physical instruments to help further knowledge (putchner383). Here you can see how Voltaire is creating a world that has no prejudices and is surrounded by the overall bettering and good of the people. Although Candide and Cacambo have found the perfect world they still are not satisfied. This is a major flaw in man, to continue to want even after they have everything they need. In response to this, Candide and Cacambo leave and take all the riches they need that they assume will bring them happiness but instead are presented with tragedy after tragedy that brings them right back to where they began. Candide then by losing everything somehow is reunited with all his friends and they make it to a tiny farm to live where Pangloss continues to question. He finds a philosopher that he wants to discuss the â€Å"effects and causes, the best of possible worlds, the origin of evil, the nature of the soul, and pre-established harmony† (putchner412) all of which are prime examples of some of the main parts that have been in question during the Enlightenment; but instead Pangloss has the door slammed in his face; similar to the way man refuses to discuss these very same aspect. Pangloss still does not stop asking questions and making philosophical assumptions even to the very end of the story and after all the terrible things that had happened to him. Candide then runs into a Turk that states that most of the time the people who get involved in others business, perish terribly (putchner413). The Turk then continues to tell Candide that he and his family cultivate their 20 acres â€Å"and the work keeps [them] from three great evils, boredom, vice, and poverty† (putchner413). Candide takes the Turks words very seriously and soon sets out his life to imitate the Turks and sets up a garden to cultivate. After meeting all the people throughout his journey he finds this man to be the only person happier than him and he had found a way to make life bearable; so Candide commits to doing the same. Voltaire has much to say through his character Pangloss and Martin, about men who choose to live their lives working. Pangloss states that â€Å"man was not born to take his ease† and Martin comments that â€Å"working without speculation is the only way of rendering life bearable.† Candide finally has everything that he wanted all on their farm but sees that what he wanted and thought is not anymore what he wants or thinks. Cunegonde has lost all her beauty and he does not love her anymore and Pangloss’s theory does not hold a light in Candid’s’ mind anymore. He decides to change his life and stop wanting more and make a life that is focused on one goal; to cultivate his garden and not worry about the trifles amongst the world. He then sees clearly that he makes his own happiness and others do not. The garden will keep him away from the evils in which he has met all his life. He will not have to want for food and beg, and he will only have enough for what he needs and not what he wants and this will keep his mind busy and away from boredom. Pope’s writings differ greatly from Swift’s or Voltaire’s. In Pope’s Essay on Man, he uses poetry to illustrate his philosophical points. The start of his essay states â€Å" what can we reason but from what we know†(putchner345). Pope gains the reader’s attention by simply saying that he is just going to examine Man. This alone is what the Enlightenment was about, to take into account all that you thought you knew and then ask yourself, is this really what I know. Pope goes to ask the question, are we the only system or universe? He says to just â€Å"observe how system into system runs†(putchner345). How can we be the only world is the question he wishes to ignite in us; if we just look at our world we can clearly see that we are too a system within a system and perhaps we have a purpose within this very sphere. He continues to ask question among question to further state, why are we the way we are? And are we the highest being above all on earth and if so, should we be in this place? We can see where he asks â€Å"if God has placed him wrong† and should we have the power over the world that we do (putchner345). If God has placed us in this high position then shouldn’t we be perfe ct, but he describes free will by saying that â€Å"man’s as perfect as he ought† and that we are as good as we let ourselves be (putchner346). The Essay on Man discusses fate and why we do not know our own fate or more then the very page that we are on in life. If â€Å"had he thy reason, would he skip and play† (putchner346) and continue to live our lives if we knew how it would all end. He gives the answer that hope of the unknown is what keeps man going. He examines the Indian people, a prime example of living in the unknown; for they had no sciences to let them see the planets and the universe but still remained to have God in their culture. He said they have a â€Å"humbler heaven† before the Europeans came to conquer their land and torment them for their gold (putchner347). Pope describes to the reader that pride is our error and we blame God for everything when we are not happy. Our pride gives us the right to think that earth is for our own use. He explains â€Å"why has not man a microscopic eye†, his response is simple â€Å"that man is not a fly† (putchner347). Pope wants the reader to see that God has made us the way we are and we are not meant to see that far; that we are meant to inspect the earth not to understand the heavens. He ends his essay by saying that â€Å"all partial evil [is] universal good† and that â€Å"whatever is, is right† (putchner351). This very statement was examined greatly by Voltaire’s work Candide and has been examined by many philosophers and thinkers even to this very present day. The Rape of the Lock is another story written by Pope in which he also uses poetry to reach the reader but in my case went over my head. He illustrates a beautiful story of a girl named Belinda that his great at playing cards and wins the heart of every man and Sylph she comes across. The Sylphs follow Belinda throughout her entire day and Pope begins to show how man has no control over anything that happens; whether that may be the folding of her sleeves or the safety of Belinda. Pope may be continuing his theory that man has his own fate but that he cannot know it and certain Powers that are out of our understand control our day to day life. That this is the way things are and it is in our best ability to be happy with the life we are given. Even the fair Belinda blessed with all the beauty in the world is not spared by fates hand. The loss of her strand of hair in the end may resemble the loss of virtue and her pride for even the perfect can be brought down. Works Cited Puchner, Martin, Suzanne Akbari, Wiebke Denecke, Vinay Dharwadke, and Barbara Fuchs. The Norton Anthology of World Literature. 3rd ed. Vol. D. New York, London: W. W. Norton Company, 2012. 269-413. Print.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Juvenile Justice: Age and Judicial Culpability Essay -- Criminal Justi

This paper will first define culpability, explore its various levels and examine how it is used during sentencing. Next, this paper will examine literature that supports the belief that age is not the key factor in determining culpability and should not be used to determine guilt or innocence during trial. Finally, this paper will suggest that trying juveniles as adults and remanding them into adult facilities is ineffective at decreasing juvenile crime rates. These issues will be reviewed to determine if physical (chronological) age is a justifiable cause to lessen culpability or an excuse used to mask the ineffective research efforts of lawmakers. Culpability has long been defined as a legal term that is used by judicial officials to describe the level of responsibility each person has for a crime Giedd et al (1999). Prosecutors use courtroom jargon such as culpability based on physical age as a legal excuse to persuade courtroom officials to reduce sentences for juvenile offenders. Studies taken from Corriero (2007) revealed that a â€Å"normal† child can decipher right from wrong as early as the age of 2 physical years but it may take up to 1 additional year for an abnormal child to develop that same unit of cognitive measure. This statement suggests that although it may take longer for anâ€Å"abnormal† child to reach the same level of understanding mentally, one calendar year does not have to open the door for lessened criminal liability. This raises the chronological age of normal children and lessens the age of abnormal children in many cases. For example, a 14 year old (chronological age) child can have t he mental age of a 6 year old or vice versa. Juvenile accountability varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction throughout the ... ...dies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition Vol. 80, No. 1 (Oct., 1995), pp. 41-49 Smit, D. (2005) The Abolition of Capital Punishment for Persons Under the Age of Eighteen Years in the United States of America. What Next? Oxford Journals Law Human Rights Law Review Volume 5, Issue 2 Pp. 393-401 Staniels, J. (1995) Grading Culpability at Sentencing: The Example of Sentencing Entrapment: Federal Sentencing Reporter Vol. 7, No. 4, Criminal Law Defenses at Sentencing pp. 178-180 Steinberg, L & Scott, E.(2003) Less Guilty by Reason of Adolescence: Developmental Immaturity, Diminished Responsibility, and the Juvenile Death Penalty. American Psychologist, Vol 58(12), 1009-1018 Winter, H ( 2006)The Economics of Crime: An Introduction to Rational Crime Analysis 5th and 14th Amendment Retrieved from October 29, 2011

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fences Research

The Impact of Physical and Psychological Boundaries in August Wilson’s Fences The early 1950’s was a time of enormous importance because of the Civil Rights Movement which emphasized equal rights for blacks and whites. According to the book Approaching Literature, this time period became very familiar to August Wilson, the author of the play Fences. Wilson, an African American man, was raised by his mother and his ex-convict father. For a short period of time, before moving back to his old neighborhood, Wilson lived in a primarily white neighborhood where he experienced the feeling of being on the â€Å"outside. When he was in the ninth grade he had a teacher that believed there was no way he could have written an intelligent, twenty page research paper on Napoleon Bonaparte, so she accused him of plagiarism. This incident pushed Wilson to drop out of high school and teach himself. From that point on, he began educating himself by reading through the section of black a uthors in the local library. Wilson had strong views and opinions about the rights of African Americans.So much so, that he wrote quite a few plays concerning this major part of history. (1024) In Wilson’s play, Fences, how does he use psychological and physical boundaries to show the emotional separations between his characters? Baseball becomes the most prominent image in Wilson’s play. Troy Maxson, the protagonist of the play, spent many years learning and playing this game. Sheri Metzger, the author of An Essay on Fences, believes that â€Å"Baseball defines Troy Maxson’s life and provides the measure of his success. (1) As we already know, in his prime, Troy was a great baseball player and he strongly believed that he was not given the opportunity to play in the major leagues because of the color of his skin. He constantly compared himself to the ball players that made it to the major leagues, such as Hank Aaron, saying â€Å"I can hit forty-three home ru ns right now† (1048) This not only represents the fence that restricts the achievements of blacks and their constant struggle in a white society, but also Troy’s psychological boundaries between himself and mainstream America.On a first analysis of the physical boundary that exists between father and son, Troy and Cory, we must look at their relationship. Their bond was typical of any teenage boy and his father; they generally got along. The boundary comes up in the play when Cory asks Troy to sign the papers that would allow him to go to college on a football scholarship. But when Troy refuses, claiming that â€Å"the colored guy got to be twice as good [as the white player] before he get on the team,† (1047) the boundary becomes very real.He also notes that even if they do let black players on the team, â€Å"They sit on the bench and don’t get used. † (1047) Troy is still so angry over what he sees as his own lost opportunities with baseball and the injustice of it all that he can’t take any pleasure in the fact that his own son is getting a once in a lifetime opportunity to play football in college, for free! He is still stuck in the past where he was refused a chance to play professional baseball. He is bitter because deep down he is afraid that his son will go on to be more successful than he ever was.The scene where Cory comes at his father with a baseball bat illustrates quite a different image of the traditional father-and-son backyard baseball game we see in movies or books. This shows the huge gap in their relationship and Troy’s need for control. According to Gerald Weales, the author of Review of Fences in the Commonweal, â€Å"Troy not signing the papers for Cory was a destructive act that lead to this final confrontation between the two. † (1) Troy feels the need to confine Cory within his authority, but Cory hates being stuck behind the fences his father has put up; so he escapes, leaving h is family behind.Yet, when Cory returns, we find that in his attempt to free himself he has become bound within the confines of a far more strict institution; the Marine Corps. Metzger argues that â€Å"Cory finally escaped his father’s authority, just to be placed under the authority of people far more strict and controlling. † (3) Another physical boundary exists between husband and wife, Troy and Rose. At the beginning of the play, Troy is building a fence for Rose although he sees absolutely no use for it.Because she’s so focused on keeping all the people she loves safe and inside its walls, Rose is completely unaware that the fence is actually pushing her loved ones away. Since spending time in prison, Troy views fences as restrictions or limitations, so he is in no hurry to build Rose’s fence. But as the play goes on we see that after eighteen years of marriage, Troy feels confined by the responsibility and loyalty that come with it and needs to bre ak out of those constraints. He wants so badly to be free from the ties of marriage that he has an affair with another woman, Alberta.Although, in his mind he broke free of those marital boundaries, realistically, he just put up yet another fence. Rose later finds out about this affair and then Troy tells her that Alberta died while giving birth to their daughter, Raynell. Troy, being the thoughtless man he is, begs Rose to take care of his illegitimate daughter. And Rose, being the kind woman she is, agrees to raise the child because she knows that Raynell is an innocent child who was simply born into a bad situation. Rose tells Troy, â€Å"Raynell will have a mother, but he will be a womanless man for the rest of his life. (1071) Later, after Alberta’s death, Troy finally completes the fence. But rather than finishing it for Rose, as originally intended, he does it for his own reasons of keeping out danger and death. Meanwhile, Rose is still trapped with the responsibiliti es and pressures that life brings. But towards the end of the play we see that she escapes Troy’s fence, only to exchange it for one established by the church. According to Metzger, â€Å"Religion provides its own fences and restraints, and for Rose, who decided to stay with Troy, the church offers a haven within its institutionalized walls. (1040) Rose willingly puts herself behind a fence that is a little more bearable, saying, â€Å"Jesus builds a fence around me every day. † (1040) There are also some psychological fences in this play that Troy has absolutely no control over. The mental hospital where Troy confines Gabriel offers one example of that kind of fence. Gabe, who suffered permanent brain damage as a result of injuries he received while serving in World War II, now thinks of himself as an angel. Although Troy views this fence as something that’s irritating and in his way, Gabe, unaware of all of this, continues on in his childlike innocence.Troy h as a guilty conscience because he institutionalized Gabe and then used his disability money to pay for the house that he now lives in. This incident further breaks down the relationship between Troy and Cory because when he finds out what his father has done, Cory treats him with open disrespect and tells him that he no longer counts. Once again, we see that Gabe simply isn’t aware of these things, therefore he’s unaffected by these events that dramatically change the others’ lives. Gabe’s persistence shows hope for the future. According to Joseph H.Wressling, the author of Wilson’s Fences, â€Å"Gabe, just like Rose, illustrates unconditional love. † (3) Now that Cory and Troy’s relationship has no chance of any reconciliation, Cory leaves and Troy loses any hope of ever seeing his son again before he dies. Cory doesn’t return again until the day of his father’s funeral when he finally meets his sister, Raynell. Cory, s till remembering the broken relationship with his father, did not want to attend the funeral. But Rose convinced him to go and pay his respects to his father because he never meant any harm. Troy had always said that he had given his children everything he could.Cory didn’t always agree with his father, but he overcame that and broke down a barrier and finally forgave his father. Before the funeral Troy’s simpleminded brother Gabe, with his trumpet, came to blow open the gates of Heaven for Troy’s arrival. His attempts at blowing his trumpet failed because there was no mouthpiece on it. But Gabe, in his childlike innocence improvises. He begins to dance about and sing to the Heavens for his brother. Finished with his dance and satisfied that the gates of Heaven are open and ready for Troy, Gabe says, â€Å"That’s the way that go! † (1083).Wilson uses many of his characters and their relationships to show their physical and psychological separations between each other and the world. By the end of Fences, all of Wilson’s characters are bound by a fence of some sort. Although Raynell stands behind the fence that her father finally finished, she is expected to go far beyond that boundary and strive for a better future than her father and everyone else. She shows that there is hope for the future. Works Cited 1. Metzger, Sheri. â€Å"An essay on Fences. † Drama for Students. Detroit: Gale. From Literature Resource Center. Web. 9 Nov. 2010. 2. Schakel, Peter J. and Jack Ridl. â€Å"August Wilson's Fences – A Form in Depth. †Ã‚  Approaching Literature: Writing Reading Thinking. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2008. 1024-083. Print. 3. Weales, Gerald. â€Å"Review of Fences in the Commonweal, Volume CXIV, no. 10, May 22, 1987, pp. 320-21. † Drama for Students. Ed. David M. Galens. Vol. 3. Detroit: Gale, 1998. From Literature Resource Center. Web. 9 Nov. 2010. 4. Wessling, Joseph H. â€Å"Wilsonâ€⠄¢s Fences. † Explicator 57. 2 (Winter 1999): 123-127. Rpt. In Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter. Vol. 222. Detroit: Gale, 2006. From Literature Resource Center. Web. 9 Nov. 2010.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Basic hygiene practices for food preparation and cooking Essay

Every day people get ill from the food they eat. Micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses and moulds found in food can cause food poisoning, leading to a whole host of unpleasant symptoms, such as stomach pains, diarrhoea and vomiting. Food poisoning can sometimes lead to gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and bowel), or more serious health problems such as blood poisoning (septicaemia) and kidney failure. Anyone can get food poisoning but some people, including babies, children and older people, are more likely to have serious symptoms. This is why this is vital as in the Seaview nursing home the residents are frail older people and several also are in poor general health. They are many basic hygiene practices for food preparation and cooking. This includes: Surfaces Equipment Sell by dates Food Cooking storing Surfaces Food poisoning affects thousands of people every year and many of these cases go unreported. The exact numbers of cases of food related illness that occur each year are unknown. This is because many people do not seek the help of their doctor when their doctor when they develop symptoms. Food poisoning can be extremely dangerously especially for the very young, older service users and those who are ill or infirm. It is therefore important that care workers actions do not increase this problem. To prevent contamination of food it is necessary to follow recognised hygiene procedures to make sure that risks are kept to a minimum. Cleaning and disinfection chemicals are available to maintain the correct standards of cleanliness. Usually these chemicals are added to water to make a cleaning solution. Some come ready to use in spray or aerosol bottles for convenience. Substances used for cleaning food preparation areas fall into three categories: Detergents – are chemicals that will dissolve grease and assist the removal of food debris and dirt. Detergents do not kill bacteria. Disinfectants – are chemicals designed to destroy bacteria and reduce them to a safe level. However disinfectants are not effective at removing grease and dirt’s. Disinfectants have a very strong smell and have the potential to taints foods and if in contact with surfaces that food is prepared on extra care should be taken in rinsing with hot (above 82C) water. Sanitizers– are a combination of both detergents and disinfectants and are designed to kill bacteria and remove dirt and grease at the same time. image00.pngimage00.png Disinfection can also be carried effectively using heat i.e. using hot water (above 82C). Chemicals can be used in addition to this process however are less effective where hot water is not available or a preliminary clean had not been carried out. The combination of the above chemicals and very hot water provide an effective way of keeping surfaces clean. Any work surfaces that is used for food preparation must be strong, durable, easily cleaned, resistance to stain or to absorbing liquids and not easily damaged. In professional food areas stainless steel tables are used for food preparation activities. They are usually on wheels which have brakes so that they can be moved easily which allows for ease of cleaning. It is vital that work surfaces are kept clean and bacteria free. The clean as you go method should be used. This means that all equipment and surfaces should be cleaned as soon as they have been used. This describes cleaning that is carried out as soon as the mess is created, the aim of this is to prevent cross contamination and to keep work areas clean and tidy. Examples of this might be Washing and sanitising of a chopping board straight after use and Cleaning up a floor spillage immediately after it has happened. Any spills should also be mopped up immediately they occur. Work surfaces should be left clean and clear when work has finished. The 5 stages of cleaning work are: Remove food particles and spillages using a suitable damp cloth Use a hot water and detergent solution to remove any grease and debris Rinse thoroughly with very hot water (82C) Use a suitable disinfectant to reduce bacteria to a safe level Final rinse with hot water and dry using paper towels (or allow to air dry) Equipment Only clean equipment if you have been trained to do so. This is especially important where the equipment has sharp cutting surfaces and or moving parts that are run by electricity. Care should be also taken with equipment that is hot or generates a lot of heat, for example cookers and deep fat fryers When training has been done some basic steps should be followed when cleaning equipment. The basic steps are: Disconnect the equipment from the power source Take extra care when removing any blades Remove all waste food Thoroughly wash and sanitize all parts Reassemble the equipment taking care to fit all components correctly in case they fly off during use Sanitize again those parts that will come into contact with food Ensure that all safety guards are refitted correctly. All other small items of equipment like pots, pans, cutlery, plates and glassware can be cleaned in the usual way. This may either be in a dishwasher or by hand using detergent and hot water. Sell by dates Perishable is foods that are likely to go off quickly. They normally have a sell by and use by date on them. Selling food after its sell by date is an offence. The food can be used up to and including the use by date. For an example a carton of milk may have a sell by date till the 14th march and the use by date may be the 16th march. The milk can be used on the 16th and before but not after. Most other foods have a best before day; this indicates the month up to which it will be in its best condition for eating. Some foods don’t have to require a date for example fresh fruits & vegetable’s and meat from the butcher. Food It is vital that certain precautions are taken when providing food for service users. Washing of the hands is vital so hands must be washed: Before entering a food area After using the lavatory Between handling different types of food such as raw meat an cooked Before and after touching foods After coughing into the hands or using a handkerchief After touching face and hair After carrying out cleaning or handling rubbish It is essential that this is done because many bacteria live on the surface of the skin. Many of these are harmless however some can cause illness. Bacteria can be acquired from other sources and can contaminate food. Handling raw mean and poultry and then handling cooked meat is very dangerous unless hands are thoroughly washed in between. Touching the nose or coughing and sneezing over food or preparation areas should be avoided. This is because personal cleanliness is essential or bacteria will be transferred to the food. Also avoid touching the food with hands and glove wearing or using of the tong when possible is a good thing to do. This is because the less hands are in direct contact with food, the less chance there is of contamination. Touching dishes or cutlery that is to come into contact with food should also be avoided. This is because this cuts down the transfer of bacteria. Keeping the hair covered with either a hat or net and not combing hair in the food area should also be done as hair and scalp can carry bacteria that can fall into the food. Also keeping cuts and grazes covered with brightly coloured dressing as wounds are infected with bacteria and if the dressing comes off it can be easily found. Not smoking in the food areas is vital as it is against the law and can contaminate food. Also when ill food handling should not be done. This is vital because a person who is ill can infect food. Another thing that should be done is wearing clean protective clothing as there are fewer bacteria on clean clothes. Cooking Heat kills bacteria and this is why food must be cooked thoroughly. Cooking food at temperatures over 70Â °C will kill off any bacteria. If food isn’t cooked at a high enough temperature, bacteria can still survive. Take special care that you cook meat all the way through. Unless you’re cooking steak or lamb and beef joints rare, it shouldn’t be pink in the middle. Use a clean skewer to pierce the meat. If it’s cooked properly, the juices will run clear. If you’re cooking meat so it’s rare, make sure that it’s properly sealed (browned) on the outside. Large pieces of meat take longer to heat up to the centre. The need for sufficiently high temperatures reaching the centre is very important. Always re-heat pre-cooked food thoroughly and only do so once. When cooking food in the microwave, stir it well from time to time to ensure that it’s evenly cooked all the way through. It is bad practice to mix previously cooked food with newly cooked food. Topping up soup lowers the temperature and increases the risk of bacteria growing. It is much safer to make up food in smaller quantises as and when it is needed. Eggs can carry salmonella, so to safeguard service users, eggs should be cooked for around seven minutes at 70ËšC. High risks foods such as eggs and chicken that are eaten immediately after cooking are safe providing the temperature is high enough. If there is going to be a gap in time between the foods being cooked and being eaten, it must be kept hot. Equipment should be used to hold the food at a temperature of 63ËšC or above. This is could be a heated tray, trolley or service counter. When using this type of equipment; heat the equipment to at least 63ËšC before loading the food, ensure the food is already fully cooked and at a minimum temperature of 63ËšC and never use the equipment to heat up cold or partially heated food. Reheating food can increase the risk of food poisoning. Some food handlers often make the mistake of thinking that because food has already been cooked it is free of bacteria. They believe that is only needs warming up. If it happens, bacteria had ideal conditions for growth for example food, warmth and liquid. Guidelines for food that needs reheating is as follows: Don’t get the food out of the refrigerator too soon and leave it lying it around Handle as little as possible and keep it covered Divide larger items into smaller portions where possible Heat the food to at least 70ËšC as its core Serve quickly following reheating Never reheat cooked food more than once If reheating ready-made meals from a shop, follow the manufactures instructions in addition to the above advice. Storing If you don’t follow the storage guidelines that come with your food, you could be letting yourself in for real problems. Storing food in the wrong place or at the wrong temperature can lead to the growth of bacteria. This means that even one piece of food left out for a couple of hours can contain millions of bacteria as bacteria flourish at body temperature which is 37ËšC. The reason foods are stored in a refrigerator is because bacteria and viruses can’t multiply below 6ËšC. The correct temperature for a refrigerator is between zero and 5ËšC. Chilled foods should be put away quickly but don’t overcrowd the refrigerator as it raises the temperature. With cooked food, let steam evaporate first before covering and placing in the refrigerator. Always keep the refrigerator clean by washing the inside surfaces with warm soapy water. Never thaw then refreeze food. To slowly defrost, take the dish out of the freezer and leave it in the refrigerator overnight rather than on the counter top. Place meats on a plate on the bottom shelf. When defrosting with the microwave, cook the dish immediately. Never freeze food that has gone beyond its use by date and remove old food regularly. Keeping the refrigerator at the right temperature helps prevent bacteria from multiplying. The correct temperature for a refrigerator is below 5ËšC and a freezer and should kept at minus 18ËšC. Check both the refrigerator and freezer regularly with a reliable thermometer. To maintain a constant temperature, keep the door shut whenever possible. When storing food in a fridge: Don’t allow the juice from the raw meat, fish and poultry to spill or drip onto any other foods. Put fruit and vegetable’s items into the salad drawer Keep milk and fruit juices on the bottom rack in the door Place dairy products , dressings, spreads, sauces, cream and convince foods on the centre and top shelves Store raw meat, fish and poultry on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. this prevents cross contamination as the blood as the other liquids from the meat and fish cannot drip down onto other foods Cooked foods should be kept on the top shelves of the refrigerator Mayonnaise and ketchup should be kept in the refrigerator after opening Never place food in an open tin in the refrigerator. Use secure containers instead and throw the food out after two or three days Keep seafood either in the refrigerator or in the freezer until you are ready to prepare it Cross contamination occurs when food is put in contact with other contaminated foods. An example of this could be the blood from a piece of chicken dripping onto a plate of cooked food. Cross contamination means that the bacteria or other pathogens have been transferred from an infected food item. They either become infected or contaminated. If food looks or smells in any way, throw it out. A sure sign of spoilage is mould. Most mouldy foods should be binned along with leaking cartons and food which has gone past its use by date. Most frozen foods should be thrown out after three to six month’s. When storing food in the freezer, remove it from the wrapping and place it in a labelled and dated freezer bag. Remember to expel all the air from the bag before sealing it. If a power cut has occurred then foods that have started to defrost should be thrown out. If the power comes back on and if there is any doubt about which foods have defrosted and refrozen, the food should be thrown away. Food that does not need keeping cold should be kept in a sealed container in a cool dry cupboard or larder. It should never be stored on the floor. Vegetables can normally be kept in a cool, dry place in loose bags or racks but not in plastic bags. This makes them sweat and rot quicker.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Delacroix

Delacroix in his youth certainly led a bohemian life. Partisans of the bastard theory, which identifies him as Talleyrand’s son, attribute the brilliant beginning of his career to the powerful hidden protection of his putative father. Delacroix was a cultivated man. Delacroix painted or drew himself several times during the course of his life, thus bearing witness both to physical changes and to the development of his personality. Representations of Delacroix where he seems somewhat relaxed are rare, whether it is the artist tormented by spleen and melancholy lithographed, or the friend in a hat who amuses himself by posing as a spiritualist during the first daguerreotype session that he participated in 1842, among others, of the humor he always knew how to use and that should be kept in mind. The Massacres of Chios and The Death of Sardanapalus are paradigmatic of Romanticism, Women of Algiers in Their Apartment of Orientalism, and Liberty Leading the People has become a veritable republican icon. One could answer that these canvases aspire to the universal: war, love, death, revolution – such is their real subject. Notwithstanding Liberty Leading the People and the Massacres of Chios, his work is among the least political of the ce ntury, or in any cause, except for Greek independence. Delacroix had experienced such exposure from the time of his first exhibition at the age of twenty-four, when the government acquired The Barque of Dante. The important consequence was that the Louvre had no large works of Delacroix except paintings of romantic inspiration and had none that represented the more classical vein characteristic of his development after 1832, both of which circumstances have altered his image. When Eugene Delacroix died he left about nine thousand one hundred forty works, including eight hundred fifty-three paintings; fifteen hundred twenty-five pastels, watercolors, or wash drawings; six thousand six hundred a... Free Essays on Delacroix Free Essays on Delacroix Delacroix in his youth certainly led a bohemian life. Partisans of the bastard theory, which identifies him as Talleyrand’s son, attribute the brilliant beginning of his career to the powerful hidden protection of his putative father. Delacroix was a cultivated man. Delacroix painted or drew himself several times during the course of his life, thus bearing witness both to physical changes and to the development of his personality. Representations of Delacroix where he seems somewhat relaxed are rare, whether it is the artist tormented by spleen and melancholy lithographed, or the friend in a hat who amuses himself by posing as a spiritualist during the first daguerreotype session that he participated in 1842, among others, of the humor he always knew how to use and that should be kept in mind. The Massacres of Chios and The Death of Sardanapalus are paradigmatic of Romanticism, Women of Algiers in Their Apartment of Orientalism, and Liberty Leading the People has become a veritable republican icon. One could answer that these canvases aspire to the universal: war, love, death, revolution – such is their real subject. Notwithstanding Liberty Leading the People and the Massacres of Chios, his work is among the least political of the ce ntury, or in any cause, except for Greek independence. Delacroix had experienced such exposure from the time of his first exhibition at the age of twenty-four, when the government acquired The Barque of Dante. The important consequence was that the Louvre had no large works of Delacroix except paintings of romantic inspiration and had none that represented the more classical vein characteristic of his development after 1832, both of which circumstances have altered his image. When Eugene Delacroix died he left about nine thousand one hundred forty works, including eight hundred fifty-three paintings; fifteen hundred twenty-five pastels, watercolors, or wash drawings; six thousand six hundred a...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Effects Of War essays

Effects Of War essays What effects does war have on men? Leo Tolstoy, writer of War and Peace, addresses this issue. He uses some of his own views to show how the effects of war change people through the course of a day. Tolstoys center message is that human love, trust, and everyday family ties are life-enduring values. Pierre and Andrei see the battle in very different ways. Their views of war change as the war progresses. Prince Andrei, a Russian soldier, reflects on his life the day before the war. During the war he realizes that there are more important things in life. Pierre, a count of Russia, is there to observe the war from a distance. His curiosity puts him in the middle of the battle, and the prospective of war changes to him. Prince Andrei, a regiment commander, thinks about the battle that is going to happen the next day and realizes this battle will be the most terrible of battles in which he has taken part. Knowing this, he reflects on things that have happened earlier in his life. Tolstoy uses realism to develop his characters. Any person in this situation would reflect on his or her life. Andrei talks about the things that have occupied or tormented him in his life. He thinks to himself, Yes, yes, there they are those false images which agitated, enthralled, and tormented me (Nelson 256). The central issues he is talking about are his love for a woman, the death of his father, and the invasion of Russia. The death of his father is the reason he feels the way he does about war. The death of anyones parents would make him or her feels some sort of rage. The French invaded Russia under Napoleon, and they swept the countryside killing any and everyone in the way. Andreis father happened to be one of tho se individuals, and this enraged Andrei with hatred against the French. Andrei talks about chivalry and how it does not belong ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ancestry of George W. Bush - Bush Family Tree

Ancestry of George W. Bush - Bush Family Tree Originating in Columbus, Ohio, the Bush family has developed into one of the most accomplished political families of the 20th century. Other important individuals in the Bush family tree include the Spencer family that produced Diana, Princess of Wales, which makes George W. Bush a 17th cousin to Prince William of Wales. The great great great grandmother of President George W. Bush, Harriet Smith (wife of Obidiah Newcomb Bushs wife) and her descendants, are distant cousins of John Kerry. First Generation 1. George Walker BUSH was born on 6 Jul 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut. George Walker BUSH married: Laura Lane Welch on 5 November 1977 in the First United Methodist Church of Midland, Texas. Laura WELCH was born on 4 November 1946 to Harold Bruch WELCH and Jenna Louise (Hawkins) WELCH. Second Generation 2. George Herbert Walker BUSH was born on 12 Jun 1924 in Milton, Massachusetts.1 George Herbert Walker BUSH and Barbara PIERCE were married on 6 Jan 1945 in Rye, Westchester County, New York.1 3. Barbara PIERCE was born on 8 Jun 1925 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. George Herbert Walker BUSH and Barbara PIERCE had the following children: 1 i. George Walker BUSHii. Pauline Robinson BUSHiii. Jeb BUSHiv. Neil BUSHv. Marvin BUSHvi. Dorothy BUSH Third Generation 4. Prescott Sheldon BUSH was born on 15 May 1895 in Columbus, Ohio.2 Between 1952 and 1963 he was an U.S. Senator. He died of lung cancer on 8 Oct 1972 in New York City, New York.2 Prescott Sheldon BUSH and Dorothy WALKER were married on 6 Aug 1921 in Kennebunkport, Maine.2 5. Dorothy WALKER3,4 was born on 1 Jul 1901 in Missouri.2 She died on 19 Nov 1992 in Greenwich, Connecticut.2 Prescott Sheldon BUSH and Dorothy WALKER had the following children: i. Prescott Sheldon (Pres) BUSH Jr was born on 10 Aug 1922.22 ii. George Herbert Walker BUSH.iii. Nancy BUSH was born on 3 Feb 1926.2iv. Jonathan James BUSH was born on 6 May 1931.2v. William Henry Trotter (Buck or Bucky) BUSH was born on 14 Jul 1938.2 6. Marvin PIERCE was born on 17 Jun 1893 in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. He died on 17 Jul 1969 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. Marvin PIERCE and Pauline ROBINSON were married in Aug 1918. 7. Pauline ROBINSON was born in Apr 1896 in Ohio. She died from injuries suffered in a car accident on 23 Sep 1949 in Rye, Westchester County, New York. Marvin PIERCE and Pauline ROBINSON had the following children: i. Martha PIERCE was born in 1920.ii. James Robinson PIERCE was born in 1921.3 iii. Barbara PIERCE Fourth Generation 8. Samuel Prescott BUSH2 was born on 4 Oct 1863 in Brick Chuch, New Jersey.2 He died on 8 Feb 1948 in Columbus, Ohio. Samuel Prescott BUSH and Flora SHELDON were married on 20 Jun 1894 in Columbus, Ohio. 9. Flora SHELDON was born on 17 Mar 1872 in Franklin Co, Ohio. She died on 4 Sep 1920 in Watch Hill, Rhode Island. Samuel Prescott BUSH and Flora SHELDON had the following children: 4 i. Prescott Sheldon BUSH 10. George Herbert WALKER was born on 11 Jun 1875 in St. Louis, Missouri. He died on 24 Jun 1953 in New York City, New York. George Herbert WALKER and Lucretia (Loulie) WEAR were married on 17 Jan 1899 in St. Louis, Missouri. 11. Lucretia (Loulie) WEAR was born on 17 Sep 1874 in St. Louis, Missouri. She died on 28 Aug 1961 in Biddeford, Maine. George Herbert WALKER and Lucretia (Loulie) WEAR had the following children: 5 i. Dorothy WALKER 12. Scott PIERCE was born on 18 Jan 1866 in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.3 Scott PIERCE and Mabel MARVIN were married on 26 Nov 1891. 13. Mabel MARVIN was born on 4 Jun 1869 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Scott PIERCE and Mabel MARVIN had the following children: 6 i. Marvin PIERCE. ii. Charlotte PIERCE was born on 30 Sep 1894.4 She died on 15 Aug 1971 in Dayton, Ohio.4 14. James Edgar ROBINSON was born on 15 Aug 1868 in Marysville, Ohio. He died in 1931. James Edgar ROBINSON and Lula Dell FLICKINGER were married on 31 Mar 1895 in Marion County, Ohio. 15. Lula Dell FLICKINGER was born in Mar 1875 in Byhalia, Ohio. James Edgar ROBINSON and Lula Dell FLICKINGER had the following children: 7 i. Pauline ROBINSON

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Telephony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Telephony - Essay Example Over the years, the increasing development in the field of technology presents the capability of human beings to master over nature (Vergragt 2006, pp.1-3). Telephony represents that form of technology that allows easy and active interactions between different points through the availability of voice equipments. Telephone is the most commonly observed and used instrument of the technology of telephony. It provides interactive facilities to every residential house as well as in businesses. Telephones have also been associated with telephony switching systems and exchanges that are necessary for the processing of the calls occurring between two points. Developments have occurred over the years in telephony reflecting a shift from the initial local point to point connections to highly sophisticated connections in the modern world (What is Telephony 2012). The present study focuses on the origins, characteristics, and consequences of technological system considering the example of teleph ony. ... xtensive knowledge on the nature of sound that he applied in determining the possibility of passing multiple messages through at the same time through the same wire (Bellis 2012). The figure on the left presents one of the earliest telephones as invented by Graham Bell. The use of multiple telegraph had been suggested and tried earlier as well. However, with Bell’s application of a harmonic approach, the idea could be actually implemented. It was in the year 1878 that the first Bell telephone company was established. It is now known as the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T). In 1878, the first exchange of telephone was established in New Haven. Earlier the connections of the telephones had to be done in pairs. In the year 1889, the system of pay phone came into existence. Thereafter, with the advancements in the technology, the touch-tone phones, cordless phones, and mobile phones were developed (Bellis 2012). Characteristics of Telephony: The Technological System : The service of telephony or telecommunications is provided by an industry that includes different groups of people like the engineers, scientists and craftsmen. Telephone companies are either under the control of the government of a country or they may also be private in nature (Freeman 2004, p.1). Basic Telephony: The simple connection of the telephone as is most commonly known to the world is characterised by a device that is connected to other points across the world through use of pair of wires. The parts of such a telephone include a handset, a cradle, along with the signalling system that contains either dial or push buttons for making the connections. The handset is created with two electroacoustic transducers, the earpiece that acts as the receiver, and a mouthpiece that acts as the

Test runs and pilot experiments on a carbon capture plant Literature review

Test runs and pilot experiments on a carbon capture plant - Literature review Example This project focuses on the physical absorption of carbon dioxide. The objectives of the project are as follows: 1. Understand the basic processes occurring in the plant for separating carbon dioxide from nitrogen 2. Become familiar with the plant (hardware, instrumentation and control systems). 3. Be able to prepare start-up and shut down instructions for operating the plant in a safe and efficient manner, taking into account that during transient conditions chemical plants are less safe than when they operate at steady state. 4. Develop an understanding of the relevant theory behind the operation of the pilot plant, e.g. Use of principles of heat transfer, mass transfer, and gas-liquid equilibrium. 5. Understand the effect of controllable system parameters on plant performance; and how to measure, control, and evaluate performance. Be able to plan a set of relevant experimental runs to collect the required data. 6. Analyse and present experimental data in a clear, concise and coherent form in the form of a brief individual report. 7. Work effectively and efficiently in a group to achieve a complex goal. In order for the success of the entire project, there were safety precautions that had to be adhered to; these are COMPULSORY safety precautions. The emphasis on the safety precautions is because there is a steam present in the plant and there are other potential dangers too, in the Pilot Plant Area. The paper presents the protection had to be worn at all times. ... The emphasis on the safety precautions is because there is a steam present in the plant and there are other potential dangers too, in the Pilot Plant Area. Given, the following protection had to be worn at all times: 1. A white laboratory coat 2. Goggles - may be removed in the control room. 3. A hard hat should be worn in the main areas of the plant. There are a number of pipes that can pose a danger to any exposed head. In addition, there are gantries surrounding the plant where things can fall! 4. A safety shower, situated at the right hand corner, in the main laboratory. This is seen as you enter the pilot plant. 5. Always think ahead; consider your own safety as well as that of others. 6. Must also sign into areas of the main control room. Methods and Materials The pilot plant consists of three absorption columns and one regenerator. The absorption columns are made out of acrylic plastic and have a height of 2.4 m and diameter of 0.1 m. Sampling points for the gas composition an d temperature are located along the sides of each column. Two columns are randomly packed with 16-mm Pall Rings and IMTP#15 and 1 column is packed with 4A Cempak structured packing. The structured packing sections were rotated 90" with respect to each other in the column. The absorption process was carried out in a counter-current mode of operation, whereby the feed gas composed of CO, air enters from the bottom of the column flowing upwards, and the prepared M U solution is pumped to the top of the column and flows downward by gravity. Treated gas exits via the top of the absorber and the rich MEA solution leaves at the bottom. The IMTP #15 and 16-mm Pall Ring packing’s were provided by Norton Chemical Process Products and the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Summary and Critical Analysis of Multi-objective Decision Making Term Paper

Summary and Critical Analysis of Multi-objective Decision Making - Term Paper Example This term paper discusses the subject of multi-objective decision making problems, that require a set of criteria prior to implementation. First, it is clear that objective functions must be normalized. That is, objective functions must have the same physical meaning to all the stakeholders involved, which likewise means that units and scales used in the measurement of these function must be consistent. Next, the appropriate principle of optimality must be chosen. The principle of optimality sets the properties of the optimal solution and answers in such a ways that the optimal solution bests all other possible solutions. Third, the researcher states that the priorities of objective functions have also to be considered. It is imortant to understand that different objective functions have different importance and thus, higher priority must be given to more important objective functions. Based on these considerations, this term paper provides a critical analysis of a multi-objective de cision making model, which covers economics and managerial applications of a company. A summary of the model were presented by the researcher of the paper, and its strengths and weaknesses were also highlighted. In conclusion, the researcher of this term paper analyzed the final portion of the study. This term paper also presents an outline of a possible research project, that will be concducted and that will involve both multi-objective decision making process and analysis as well as multi-objective decision making model to view.

2014 Current Events Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

2014 Current Events - Essay Example This article in the Washington Post is about a Syrian warplane that bombed a school in Syria. This occurred in the north of Aleppo. This school had students and teachers, who were carrying out their normal activities. This bombing has been linked to the ongoing fight between the government and the opposition. Other sources however claim that the bombing was as an accidental. The bombing claimed the lives of 10 children and 9 adults. According to the article, the bombing is an indirect consequences of war between the government of Syria and the rebels. The war has been taking place for two years and there is no sign of stopping. Bombing cases have been on a drastic increase in the recent years in Syria. Planes keep dropping bombs aimlessly killing innocent civilians and leaving others in serious injuries. There are widespread fears that more life’s shall be lost if this continues. Because of such attacks, many people in Syria have been rendered homeless and have never felt the sense of security. The main activities like learning, trading and other activities that develop the economy have been adversely affected as well. Many people have also been forced to seek refuge in the foreign countries and they are subjected to hardship. According to this article, 100,000s of people have been killed during this war especially women and defenseless children. The war is still going on and the number will rise to even 1000000 if this does not stop. Although the level of fighting has reduced, people are still killed. The war has given terrorist a chance to develop as they have come from other parts of the country to take part in the war. Syria is using the remaining chemical weapons according to US officials ( A month long effort to disarm Syria’s chemical weapons 27 tons of sarin precursor, it has

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Job Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job Analysis - Assignment Example Other overlapping duties I perform include office logistics, which should be handled by the logistics manager but often overflow into my job description. Work standards have been established. They include set durations timelines for activities like cleaning, error margins, and cost effectiveness. For example, the office and all office items should be cleaned between 1800 and 2000 hours daily so that by the time employees arrive in the morning they work in a clean and conducive environment. Questions concerning employee contracts and remuneration, questions concerning employee attitudes and performances, questions concerning reviews and appraisals, and questions concerning staffing (Quible, 2014). I am responsible for keeping employee information confidential. I ensure that each employee’s personal and work information is accessible only by me and senior management, not other employees (Quible, 2014). Ability to identify problems and weaknesses and come up with effective solutions, awareness and understanding of work requirements, and ability to provide logical justifications for actions (Quible, 2014) High level of safety is required, especially since the office is a habitable environment. Standard safety requirements are supplemented with personal responsibility and keenness (Quible, 2014). For equipment, all operating procedures and manuals must be followed. The office manager position is a critical position that requires a lot of skills, knowledge, and acuity to execute effectively (Quible, 2014). The office manager is an important member of the organization and the duties involved demand the highest level of

Discovering the American Past in World War 1 Essay

Discovering the American Past in World War 1 - Essay Example During World War 1, Great Britain and the Germans had navigational barriers. Blockades used by Great Britain were designed to cut central powers off from the war while Americans commercial vessels bonded by the Germans were stopped (Wheeler, Becker and Glover 133). Besides, detention and searching of German ships by the British navy was quite often. The Confinement of German vessels was to stop them from participating in the war and make them a vulnerable target. However, the president of the United States by then, Wilson, protested detention of Germans vessels by the British policy many times but gained no positive results. British navy thought, giving in to the presidents’ demand, would have deprived them their principal military asset as the British army. The presence of the Germans during the war highly gained recognition and feared by the Americans. They perceived the Germans as strong and well-equipped people who would have changed everything and won the war against them . In addition, the Germans blockade was more dangerous since majority of American trade was with France and England. Therefore, the Americans did not trade with Germans, and this could have accelerated their war against the Americans. During the war, different emotions developed within the participating parties of the war. The emotions had to be controlled by the development of propaganda to enable unity of multiethnic and pluralistic society that was behind the war. Moreover, publicity attracted the sufficient number of men in the army services to elicit universal civilian support for the men. Additionally, propaganda assisted in influencing civilians to help was efforts by purchasing war bonds and other actions (Wheeler, Becker and Glover 136). Wheeler, Becker and Glover argue that, in achieving the control of emotions during the war, it entailed propaganda techniques advancement alongside extreme care (138). The propaganda had to attain two features in enabling emotion control and calmness.   First, it was to ensure the portrayal of Allied and American service members as the best and, second, the representation of enemy in the worst possible manner.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Job Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job Analysis - Assignment Example Other overlapping duties I perform include office logistics, which should be handled by the logistics manager but often overflow into my job description. Work standards have been established. They include set durations timelines for activities like cleaning, error margins, and cost effectiveness. For example, the office and all office items should be cleaned between 1800 and 2000 hours daily so that by the time employees arrive in the morning they work in a clean and conducive environment. Questions concerning employee contracts and remuneration, questions concerning employee attitudes and performances, questions concerning reviews and appraisals, and questions concerning staffing (Quible, 2014). I am responsible for keeping employee information confidential. I ensure that each employee’s personal and work information is accessible only by me and senior management, not other employees (Quible, 2014). Ability to identify problems and weaknesses and come up with effective solutions, awareness and understanding of work requirements, and ability to provide logical justifications for actions (Quible, 2014) High level of safety is required, especially since the office is a habitable environment. Standard safety requirements are supplemented with personal responsibility and keenness (Quible, 2014). For equipment, all operating procedures and manuals must be followed. The office manager position is a critical position that requires a lot of skills, knowledge, and acuity to execute effectively (Quible, 2014). The office manager is an important member of the organization and the duties involved demand the highest level of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Financial Performance of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank in UAE Case Study

Financial Performance of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank in UAE - Case Study Example Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank acquired RBS’ UAE retail, wealth management and SME banking business. Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank is currently the third largest bank in the UAE in terms of operations and second largest in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi in terms of total assets. The bank has a substantial customer base and holds around 12% market share by loans and 10% market share by deposits. The bank currently has approximately 500,000 retail customers and 33,000 wholesale customers in the UAE. Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank has divided its operations into four main domains as follows. Abu Dhabi, the second largest city of UAE, is one of the emerging economies of the world. During the financial year 2009, amid the global economic crisis, the growth trend of Abu Dhabi took a downward plunge when the real GDP growth remained only 0.2% and its GDP per capita was 90,538 USD, which was still considered among the highest at the global level. With the implementation of prudent policies, the government of UAE has now able to restore its previous economic prosperity and it is portraying inclining trend once again. The banking sector in UAE can be regarded as the biggest beneficiary of the economic growth. This is due to the fact that the prevailing interest rate in the UAE economy is lower as compared to the other countries depicting similar economic trends. Central Bank of UAE is the regulatory authority which issues guidelines and pronouncement regulating the functioning of these banks. As of March 31, 2011, UAE economy had 23 local banks with 736 branches and 28 licensed foreign banks with 83 branches. The following graphical representation presents the growth in the banking sector in UAE over the years [presentation] Technical Analysis The share price of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank remained fluctuated over the past few years. If we consider the financial year 2006, the share price of the bank depicts a rising trend. In the beginning of the financial year 2006, the share price of the bank was crossing 5.66, but by the end of the financial year 2006, the share price took a downward plunge and the December closing of the financial year recorded a share price of 4.16. Despite the declining trend in the previous year, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank was able to restore its previous market capitalization and by the end of the financial year 2007, the share price represents an increase of 19%. Financial year 2008 and 2009 are

Monday, October 14, 2019

Jekyll and Hyde for Teacher Essay Example for Free

Jekyll and Hyde for Teacher Essay To begin with, both alter personas are of brutal and ferocious nature as they manifest disturbing evil intentions. Tyler Durden vandalizes property, craves annihilation, obliterates his own apartment, has full knowledge about all varieties of homemade explosives, and is brave enough to cause all kinds of chaos. Most prominently, Tyler, a follower of nihilism, founds â€Å"fight club†, a place for men to fight each other, feel alive, and ignite their inner rage. He expresses his nihilistic point of view in the following line: â€Å"It\s easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die. On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone will drop to zero.† Hyde, a detestable man in appearance, tramples a young girl on the street and is responsible for the terrifying murder of Danvers Carew. Hyde was described by a maid to be â€Å"stamping with his foot, brandishing the cane, and carrying on like a madman† at the murder scene. Even more terrifying is the satisfaction he feels for his violent actions, that Jekyll later confesses to. Furthermore, the various characters that encounter Hyde are said to feel a deep personal hatred for him. Many dark adjectives, such as â€Å"evil† and â€Å"detestable†, are repeatedly used to describe him. As the story progresses, both Jekyll and The Narrator realize that what their alter egos aim to achieve is not what they desire. This belated sense of realization comes when Hyde commits a murder and Jekyll progressively comes to the conclusion that he is beginning to transform into Hyde, involuntarily, without the potion. However, The Narrator’s realization comes at the end of the novel when he discovers that Tyler is his own alter ego, that takes over in his sleep. Additionally, he realizes that fight club members are accountable for all the buildings that are being wrecked and all the people that are being killed with Tyler’s orders. The narrator tries cleaning up after Tyler, however, Jekyll does not try to right Hyde’s mistakes. The Narrator tries defusing a bomb and preventing the chaos caused by Tyler’s orders by convincing the fight club members to stop. However, his plan ultimately fails as the members are previously ordered by Tyler to not answer any questions or let anyone stop them. At this point, both characters lose control over their mind and body and have to liberate themselves from their demonic alters. In order to achieve that, The Narrator asks Marla to help him stay awake, which is not a permanent solution. Jekyll forages for a specific type of chemical, that he requires to make his potion and get rid of Hyde. However, he fails to obtain this ingredient. By the end, both Jekyll and The Narrator opt to commit suicide to end their life and by extension the lives of Hyde and Tyler. The Narrator states that â€Å"To god, this looks like one man alone, holding a gun in his own mouth†¦I’m not killing myself, I yell. I’m killing Tyler.† This destructive violence could be ideally explained through the lens of psychoanalytic approach.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Courage in Little Women and Treasure Island Essay -- Literary Analysis

The dictionary definition of courage is bravery or boldness. In the set texts of Little Women and Treasure Island, courage is defined through the interaction of the characters, the situation and their reactions to it. Thus, there are different aspects of courage explored throughout the texts resulting in either in physical or psychological pain or a mixture to the characters. In this essay, I will analysis the method that each author employs to inform the reader of courage, discuss some aspects of courage explored in the texts and look at how courage differs between the genders. Alcott uses characterisation to display courage. She builds the characters over a period through their words, actions and appearance in conjunction with other characters comments and an omniscient authorial voice (Lukens, 2003). The character of Beth has a shy manner and timid voice, staying at home and who admits to being afraid of people. She is ‘dear’ to other characters and the author tells the reader her pet name is mouse. Yet this character shows courage by thanking Mr Laurence, who frightens her, for her piano causing Meg to exclaim that ‘the world is coming to an end’ (Little Women p.63) Alcott enhances this action through intertextuality to Pilgrims Progress where Mr Laurence is one of the biggest lions guarding the Palace Beautiful. Beth is the foil for the main protagonist, Jo for whom this behaviour is normal as evidence by her statement of Mr Laurence ‘I’m sure now that I shouldn’t be afraid of him’ (Little Women p.52 ). This illustrates that there are different levels of courage dependant on the characteristics of the character. Stevenson (2009) admits in his essay about his first novel that he does not use psychology and fine writing wh... ... (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Loxley, D. (2009) ‘Slaves to adventure: The Pure Story of Treasure Island’ in Montgomery H and Watson N (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Lukens, R. (2003) ‘Character’, A critical Handbook of Children’s Literature, Boston (USA), Ablong Reynolds (2009),!via/resourcepage/59898199/6764/moddata/resourcepage/ea300_dvd1_Boys_and_girls_reading_19th_century_transcript.doc Stevenson, R. (2009) ‘My first Book: ‘Treasure Island’’, in Montgomery H and Watson N (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Courage in Little Women and Treasure Island Essay -- Literary Analysis The dictionary definition of courage is bravery or boldness. In the set texts of Little Women and Treasure Island, courage is defined through the interaction of the characters, the situation and their reactions to it. Thus, there are different aspects of courage explored throughout the texts resulting in either in physical or psychological pain or a mixture to the characters. In this essay, I will analysis the method that each author employs to inform the reader of courage, discuss some aspects of courage explored in the texts and look at how courage differs between the genders. Alcott uses characterisation to display courage. She builds the characters over a period through their words, actions and appearance in conjunction with other characters comments and an omniscient authorial voice (Lukens, 2003). The character of Beth has a shy manner and timid voice, staying at home and who admits to being afraid of people. She is ‘dear’ to other characters and the author tells the reader her pet name is mouse. Yet this character shows courage by thanking Mr Laurence, who frightens her, for her piano causing Meg to exclaim that ‘the world is coming to an end’ (Little Women p.63) Alcott enhances this action through intertextuality to Pilgrims Progress where Mr Laurence is one of the biggest lions guarding the Palace Beautiful. Beth is the foil for the main protagonist, Jo for whom this behaviour is normal as evidence by her statement of Mr Laurence ‘I’m sure now that I shouldn’t be afraid of him’ (Little Women p.52 ). This illustrates that there are different levels of courage dependant on the characteristics of the character. Stevenson (2009) admits in his essay about his first novel that he does not use psychology and fine writing wh... ... (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Loxley, D. (2009) ‘Slaves to adventure: The Pure Story of Treasure Island’ in Montgomery H and Watson N (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University Lukens, R. (2003) ‘Character’, A critical Handbook of Children’s Literature, Boston (USA), Ablong Reynolds (2009),!via/resourcepage/59898199/6764/moddata/resourcepage/ea300_dvd1_Boys_and_girls_reading_19th_century_transcript.doc Stevenson, R. (2009) ‘My first Book: ‘Treasure Island’’, in Montgomery H and Watson N (eds), Children’s Literature Classic Text and Contemporary Trends, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan in association with Open University

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Glass Menagerie :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?The Glass Menagerie?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the ?The Glass Menagerie?, two themes are used so that the characters can deal with their painful facts of life. ?Illusion? and ?Escape? are the two themes which all the characters use. Tom Wingfield uses both of these themes to try and live a good happy life. Tom is capable of maintaining a life outside of his home, at his job, and going out of town. Tom is not a business man, he prefers more of a literature and reading environment to sustain his fantasies. Amanda Wingfield is another character that uses illusion and escape to deal with the painful facts of life also.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Wingfields are distinguished and tied together by their similarly weak relationships to reality. However, the illusions to which they concede are not exclusively a characteristic of theirs. The outside world is just as open to illusion. Tom also finds illusion in the movies he watches, Tom think?s that other viewers at the movies he attends are substituting on-screen adventure for real-life adventure, which fullfils his illusion rather than real life. Amanda's relationship to illusion is the most complicated in the play. Unlike her children, she is partial into the real world values and longs for social and financial success. Yet her attachment to these values is exactly what prevents her from perceiving a number of truths about her life. Amanda's retreat into illusion is in many ways more pathetic than her children's, because it is not a willful constructive imagination, but instead a wistful distortion of reality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tom shows ?escape? because of not having a father, In the beginning of the movie, The Merchant Marine Service and the fire escape outside the apartment, haunts Tom. The play takes an unclear attitude toward the moral implications and even the effectiveness of Tom's escape. As an able bodied young man, he is locked into his life not by outside factors but by emotional ones. By his loyalty to and maybe even love for Laura and Amanda. Escape for Tom means the restrain and denial of these emotions in himself, and it means doing great harm to his mother and sister.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Marketing Management UBER Analysis Essay

1. Introduction Application software has been very popular as distribution platforms since 2008 due to rapid spread of smartphones all around the worldwide. According to a marketing research done by Gartner (2013), there is an increasing trend in mobile apps usage worldwide, He indicates that 21.58 billion dollars of  revenue has been made by mobile apps in 2013. Uber was established in 2009 as a digital platform that connects cab drivers and customer, by downloading the online application. Uber determines the location of customers and shows the location of the cabs nearby. Once the customer accepts to get a ride with push of a botton, the application is then authorized to take the payment based on the credit card information that has been registered under the customer’s name, without any further exchanges. Uber was established in San Francisco and has become the world’s most valuable startup in the past five years. Uber’s latest market value has been determined as 18.2 billon dollars in June 2014. However, as a disadvantage of developing markets, the entrance of Gett and Hailo in the UK market, decreased Uber’s market value. The major advantage of Gett in this compà ©titive market against Uber is charging flat fees unlike Uber. Uber has a surge pricing strategy depending on the demand, weather and distance, which is not a cost efficient way for customer. Therefore Uber it is not the cost leader in the UK e-hail market. On the other hand surge pricing has persuaded more driver to work for Uber, as it is more in their favor so that, they will not have to go through bad weather conditions or give rides in the rush hour with the usual flat fares. 2. Audit 2.a Organizational environment The increasing trend of smartphone usage especially in younger generation, technological improvements and increasing value for time perception established Uber’s increasing value. 2.b Uber’s business model Uber employs driver after they and their cars have been screened by Uber to  ensure comfort and safety of customers, Drivers are also given an iPhone once they have become a member of Uber. Uber drivers have higher income compared to traditional taxi drivers also they do not have to pay for the taxi license and the taxes that black cab driver are obligated to pay. On the consumer side, after downloading Uber, they can track the car as it approaches them on their as well as having some information about their driver before arrival such as previous reviews and ratings and their photo. Uber ‘s pricing strategy is based on the demand, distance and the car type, incase of high demands or bad weather conditions customers may have to pay a higher fee for their journey or depending and the type of car they request prices are different. Payment is done by the credit card information that the customer is registered the app with. Transactions are totally safe and secure. Uber splits the ride receipts with the driver. Uber originally used to take 20% margin of the transaction between the customer and the driver, which is now reduced to 15% due to high compà ©titions with Gett and Hailo. Uber covers its Research and technology developments, marketing and employees expenses by the percentage they take on each transaction. Another advantage is that Uber does not own a fleet of cars so they are much less costly than their competitors, This low cost business model enables Uber to keep the large percentage of it’s revenue as profits. Uber grows by reinvesting in R&D and acquisitions rather than investing in cars or expensive infrastructures. In the spotlight of this information, it is possible to say that Uber’s business model is low inventory, high transaction and high margin. Moreover, its business model is receiving the majority of funding from Google Venture. 2.c External and internal analysis of Uber Analyzing Uber from the resource-based view is crucial to understand competitive advantages of it in London taxi hailing app market. Constraints imposed by environment can have a big impact on Uber’s strategic planning and marketing. Therefore, six external conditions (Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economical and Legal) will be examined in relation to Uber’s business situation by using PESTEL analysis. Political factors effects transport services external environment in terms of CO2 emissions and climate change. Even though Political factors are more in favor of public transport in order to decrease CO2 emissions and help with the climate. Uber however is providing a superior service comparing to their competitors for instance Uber is offers hybrid cars, which is low in emissions and makes it easier for Uber to have some advantage when it comes to the political factors. Environmental factors such as weather conditions can affect Uber for instance higher demand due to bad weather conditions is evident. The price of the  journeys also increases when the demand is higher. Social factors including the change in lifestyle and high percentage of younger population using smartphones, indicates the customer needs, which brings them to the market. Technology developments have a major impact on Uber’s business. Increasing role of Internet in people’s life is also crucial for Uber to make innovations. Economical factors such as recessions influence directly the customer’s budget, therefore their buying power. On the other hand volatile fuel prices can have a huge impact on pricing and they are also quite unpredictable. Legal constraints also have a direct impact on Uber. Governments have the possibility to ban Uber, which is already the case in Germany, or even set new regulations for Taxi hailing apps such as Uber which can affect their performance in the market. In the next section we under take a SWOT analysis in order to analyze Uber’s Capabilities, which enables us to determine the company’s Strengths and Weaknesses as well as pointing out Threats and Opportunities. It is essential in a competitive market to be aware of the weaknesses and threats in order to be able to find solutions for them and also use the opportunities to gain more of them market share and hence increase the revenues. Figure 2: Presents SWOT analysis Strengths; which consist of internal capabilities, Uber was first in the market which creates a competitive advantage by high consumer awareness. One of the strengths of Uber is that, it has different alternatives for different customers. For example, Uber POP and UberX car alternatives are available for a cheap and fast drive, whereas if the customer is searching for quality it offers them the Uber Black Car and Uber SUV. Another strength  of Uber is that it has spread worldwide starting from USA. It has expanded through 200 cities worldwide. Moreover, the transactions are easy, safe and trustworthy. It offers a convenient way of travelling for costumers. Weaknesses indicate the areas that could be improved internally. The major point that is considered as a weakness for Uber is that they do not charge flat fees whereas Gett, which is their main competitor, offers flat and predictable prices. Moreover, Uber drivers do not have a taxi license, which can cause legal problems by time. However it operates in many cities, Uber does not operate in rural areas, which can be considered as a weakness. One of the complaints that Uber is facing is the poor consumer service. Uber offers a surge pricing for its drivers and do not hire them, but find them through agents. Analyzing the opportunities in depth we can determine that the most influential aspect in Uber’s business model is the fact that it’s a service rather than a product hence they do not have the high sunk costs that their competitors have to deal with. Moreover, being a mobile platform and not having a fleet of taxis, which is highly costly, has enabled the firm to turn most of its revenues into profits. These revenues are made from transaction costs rather than production cost. Uber does not employ drivers, which in this case allows the drivers flexibility also permit Uber to employ more drivers. The most important external threat for Uber in UK e-hail app market is the decreasing market share due to competitors such as Gett. The flat prices of Gett and some other competitors are creating a disadvantage for Uber. Not having the proper taxi license is another disadvantage for Uber. aside from that, there have been many protests by taxi companies in Germany, France, England and other nations accusing Uber to be illegal due to the fact that their driver are not paying the same tax rates as other taxi drivers, and other taxi companies accuse Uber of compromising passenger safety, and undermining legislations which exists for them. Competitors: According to the statistics of market shares of taxi hailing apps in London, Gett with 20-30% of market share is the market leader, Uber with 20% shares is the market challenger and Hailo with 10% is the follower in the market. Uber as the challenger is in a position where they can undertake some of the facilities and services that Gett is already providing for their customers in order to be able to improve their service, gain more customer and consequently gain more market share over time. Outlining the competitive landscape is important to appraise competition and indicating the strengths of the competitors can give the company objectives on what can be improved and examine weather they can be implemented by Uber. According to national statistics from department for transport, it is estimated that there are 78 thousand taxis and 153 thousand licensed private hire vehicles in England. The fÄ ±gures present that the number of PHV are twice the number of taxÄ ±s operatÄ ±ng in England. 31% of total licensed taxis and private hire vehicles in England are in London from which we can assume that private hirÄ ±ng is a popular choice for Londoners. Analyzing Gett-Taxi as the market leader we can imply that some of their most influential advantages are: Competing with flat and predictable prices: People who take taxis are not usually loyal to a specific brand and most people would choose the cheaper option and Gett has the advantage by having predictable prices without surge pricing. Enables Advance booking: Unlike Uber, Gett offers advance booking 2 weeks prior to journey whereas Uber has failed to implement this feature in their app. Offers 24 hours customer service for driver and customers: Uber has proven to be quite poor at following through with customer enquiries. On the other hand the only major advantage of Hailo that we came across is the fact that they are the only company, which has a real taxi license for all their cars. 3. Strategic Options: According to Porter, competitive advantage is derived from the value a firm  is able to create for its buyers that exceeds the firm’s cost of creating it. Utility of Uber can be increased by the following three categories: †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Service: Reducing the time to reach customers when they need the service can enhance Uber’s service. The cab and the driver have to be reliable and can provide modern and comfortable cabs for service. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Personnel: service can be provided with professional drivers, drivers must be trained to provide personalised customer service. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Image: Advertising, promotions on special days and to first users. Porter’s Generic Strategies: Porter called the generic strategies has three direction where the market can be segment or focused on particular path. They are 1. Cost Leadership, 2. Differentiation 3. Focus The Focus strategy has been subdivided into two parts: â€Å"Cost Focus† and â€Å"Differentiation Focus†. (Refer below figure) The Cost Leadership Strategy This strategy will help to gain competitive advantage through two main methods such as maximising profits by declining costs while selling for average price in the particular industry or growing market share through selling for lower prices, although still producing a even-handed profit on each sale as you’ve focused on lowering the cost. The Differentiation Strategy This strategy involves in creating your goods or services different from others and more eye-catching for your customers as well as to your competitors. Differentiation strategy can be achieved in a success way through good exploration about the goods or services, expansion and innovation of the goods or services, and the ability to provide superior quality products or services. This will create an inimitable image in the particular industry and alongside some scopes will lead to be valued by consumers. The Focus Strategy The Focus strategy is concentrating on specific niche markets through considerate the associations of that specific niche market and the  exceptional needs of consumers in it. This can be exclusively low-cost or well-specified goods or services on that particular industry. This will construct strong brand loyalty among consumers. This will lead the market segment to be less attractive to the competitors. Uber’s marketing strategy is to provide a premium service at premium price and have loyal customers. It aims at hip, tech-savvy customers whose time is valuable and who are willing to spend money for convenience. The campaign of Uber focuses on the service. The ice cream campaign in NYC is an example of the difference in convenience and experience. Where else could you have an on demand ice cream truck pull up in front of your house delivering ice cream for few people? The focus is on providing an extraordinary experience for the customer and let them do the talking about the brand and the unique service. Uber is having partnerships with Virgin America, which offers Uber’s points to its flyer members which increases awareness and credibility to their service. And Trulia is a real-estate company provide prospective renters a discount for up to three apartment visits as long as they registered for this promotion. Potter’s Five Forces Analysis states that business can be affected by some facts which are determine the competitive power of the business to drive in reality. The fact can be classified into five important forces. They are Supplier power, Buyer power, Threat of substitute, Threat of New Entry and Competitive Rivalry. 1. Supplier Power: the number of suppliers involved determines the supplier power in the particular business and the exclusivity of their goods or service, their business strength and power over your business, and the cost of swapping from one supplier to another. UBER’s suppliers power is high because UBER don’t employ drivers, free-lanced drivers get register with UBER and get the training and the guidelines before start their self-employment. 2. Buyer Power: the number of buyers involved determines the buyer’s power in the particular business, the cost to the buyer to swapping from your goods and services to someone else. UBER’s buyer power is high because it’s a  mobile platform and customers have different alternative services like Gett and Hailo. 3. Competitive Rivalry: the number of capability of your competitors determines the competitive rivalry. When the business has more competitors, and if the competitor can offer equally attractive products and services, then the competitive rivalry is high. UBER’s competitors are Gett and Hailo, they provide service in lower cost and they have their own drivers. 4. Threat of Substitution: the number of alternative options of your customers determines the threat of substitute. When the service or the goods has more substitute, then the threat of substitute is high. UBER’s threat of substitute is high because in London there is many substitute such as tubes, trains, buses, and black cabs. 5. Threat of New Entry: the capability of other business can enter into your market space by starting up a similar business like you is the threat of new entry. If the startup cost is low in terms of capital, time, and technology the new competitor can enter in to your market easily. Uber’s threat of new entry is very high because entering to taxi service business is very easy because the new business needs a simple mobile application and some free-lanced drivers. Alternative Market Directions for Uber Diversification strategies/path: Uber can focus on Event specific marketing like special events such as Valentine’s Day, Harvesting day, Children’s Day, Christmas and New Year days. Uber can provide special offers or promotions for its loyal customers. Personalised Car/Cab with the special trained driver for business people, celebrities and high-class tourists. Market development Strategies/Path: †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Expand the market with average pricing in nearby small cities and rural areas to attract more new customers. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new long term partnership with local hotel chains and airport local travel unit to provide transport service such as site seeing, and airport pic & drop to  their customers. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new long-term partnership with local schools to proved service for their students. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new business wing/unit for disable people to accommodate their transport need with the special features they need. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new long term partnership with courier service organisations like Royal Mail, DHL, and FedEx to provide their delivery service to their customers. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Initiating and developing new long term partnership with local manufacturing companies to support their logistic service such as transporting to shipping, delivering goods to their customers, and transporting their raw materials for their production. 4. Marketing Strategies Uber focuses on hiring local drivers in each city. They are trying to localize the company in each city in every aspect they see. The effect of that is building a trust between the company, the drivers, and the customers all together. After hiring local drivers, Uber give these drivers trainings and guidelines to teach them the â€Å"Uber Way†. They also provide their employees with a global chat room that they interact in, talk, give ideas and suggestions, and best practices are shared across the company. So by cultivating collaboration and building trust internally and externally, Uber is trying to gain a competitive advantage in order to increase their market share, therefor increasing revenue. Uber likes to surprise and delight their customers. For example they delivered kittens and ice cream in New York. This is on of Uber’s ways to allow customer actions to go viral on social media and offline to try to send their message to new markets in order to gain new opportunities. Uber uses a unique way in serving their customers. They have a special team whose mission is to make sure customers get their taxi when and where they need them in no more than 9 minutes. They created a referral program integrated in the Uber app. It gives customers the ability to share a special code between their friends, and in that way Uber can track how many shares made, which indicates the percentage  of Uber’s customer’s acquisition. Uber’s Marketing Objectives: 1. Offer Better Service. 2. More Reliability. 3. Improve Customer Support. 4. Unique Style. 5. Provide Comfort. 6. Reduce Frustration. 6. Critical Analysis: The SMART analysis indicates that Uber can have many ways to improve every aspect in the company. Their objectives are not time-oriented. On the other had, their objectives are all achievable and relevant to the company’s mission. The analyses also show that most of the strategies and suggestions given are specific, achievable, and relevant. That indicates that Uber has many opportunities that they can benefit from in order to gain more competitive advantage and to operate better in the market. 7. Conclusion: Overall market share of Uber in e-hailing market can be increased by implementing some strategies.The report shows that Uber has many opportunities to increase their market value, market share and gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. Looking at the analysis we realise that Uber has a very high potential in achieving their objective about gaining customers and eventually increase their revenue. Along the side of improving some of their services, following some of the strategies mentioned above and solutions suggested by us, proves that Uber has a high potential and can use the first mover advantage. Distribution channel of Uber can be improved by targeting other parallel industries and move customers into greater contribution. Branding image of Uber can increase its value by providing good service and the operating areas can be increased to reach a higher volume of customers. Moreover, the opportunities discovered by using the analysis might be considered as a useful w ay of taking Uber to a higher position in the e-hail market in London. 10. References: Anon, How is Uber different from a standard taxi? Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014a]. Anon, The Business Co-Founder. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014b]. Damodaran, A., 2014. A Disruptive Cab Ride to Riches: The Uber Payoff.Forbes. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2014]. Department for Transport (2013) ‘Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics: England and Wales 2013’. Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics: England and Wales 2013. Available at: (Accessed: 20 November 2014). 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